Homeschool | History of Technology Series: Workbook 4

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Okay guys. Here is the 4th workbook! I have to say I really like how these are turning out! They are going to be a great addition to our curriculum this year and I hope that you will get some use out of them as well.

So the 4th workbook is about computers. When I was younger my dad was really into anything computer related. Not only was he pretty savvy with them, he fixed them, and I remember thinking how cool that was.

We didn’t have a computer in my mom’s house until I was 13. And even then we didn’t have internet until a little later. I installed one of those free AOL trials on the computer, then eventually we got a wired connection through the phone company.

As an adult I had multiple computers. Mostly desktops, until I got my bulky laptop, then a Chromebook, and finally I have a newer (about a year old) laptop, while my husband uses my Chromebook.

Like always, it amazes me how tech has evolved over the years.

Anyways, I’m sure you are just ready for the workbook so click the link below to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers page and purchase it for only $5.

History of Computers – TPT Link


You can grab the other 3 workbooks in the following posts:

Homeschool | History of Technology Series: Free Workbook 1

Homeschool | History of Technology Series: Workbook 2

Homeschool |History of Technology Series: Workbook 3

Thanks for reading! I hope you find the workbooks useful. If so, could you like, comment, and share?


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