Homeschool |History of Technology Series: Workbook 3

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I have to say this was the most fun out of the workbooks I’ve put together so far. It’s always enlightening to be researching something and find out something you didn’t know (and thought you did) or to reminisce about the times gone by and realize how much has changed.

How do you listen to music today? Do you listen to the radio? That’s one thing that hasn’t changed much over the years, the sound and quality has definitely improved, but that’s about it. Some people still listen to CD’s, as I do occasionally, but 90% of people now use some sort of Digital Audio Player or their Cell Phone to listen to the music they want.

It’s hard to believe that in my lifetime I have gone from listening to cassette, to cd, to digital audio player, to my phone. that’s 4 generations of music listening devices!

When I was 12 years old, my family and I went to a garage sale where we happened upon a record player. I HAD to have it! I loved that thing. My favorite record? Sonny and Cher. Haha.

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The 3rd workbook is about music listening devices and their development over the years. Click the link below to go to my Teachers Pay Teachers page and purchase your copy for only $5.

History of Music Listening Devices- TPT Link

You can grab the first workbook in this post: Homeschool | History of Technology Series: Free Workbook 1 and the second one in this post: Homeschool | History of Technology Series: Workbook 2

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